It’s important to us that everyone can log in and play without hassle, so if you can’t get into the game, we’ll do our best to help you out.

However, before contacting us, there are two things you need to consider.

  1. It can sometimes take us a while to respond to help requests.
  2. There are a lot of issues you can solve on your own, without our help.

Because of this, we have compiled a list of the most common issues our players face, along with instructions on how to fix them. Please have a look, and if anything in the list matches your situation, click the link to find out what to do.

Current Issues

Game Crashes or Doesn’t Start

Account Access Issues

Login and Launcher Issues

Very old accounts

Account Restrictions

None of the Above

For any other situation where you’re unable to get into the game, please use the button below to send in a report. You will be asked to provide the following questions:

  1. What email address are you using to log in (don’t tell us your password)?
  2. What region are you playing in?
  3. What error message do you receive?

You will also have the option to add additional information as well as attach a screenshot. If the issue only affects specific characters, please also enter their names.