To make this game a more fair and enjoyable experience for all players, we’ve been continuing our work against nefarious activity and abusers.

We have permanently banned a total of 11 accounts in the past week:

  • Goldselling (including bots related to goldsellers): 8
  • Hacking: 3

The server breakdown is as following:

Active on multiple servers3 accounts
Leviathan3 accounts
Kyrios4 accounts
Ospheros1 account

Furthermore, we have applied a suspension + gold/gear wipe to 4 accounts:

Leviathan3 accounts
Ospheros1 account

We wish to remind you that if something feels unintended, it’s safer not to get involved if you wish to protect your account. Resist the temptation to purchase “services” from advertisers you may see online or in-game. These services are against the Terms Of Use. They are also generally fraudulent and will use illegitimate methods - even if they claim not to - to achieve whatever they advertise.

Remember, play fair and play safe!