As a rule, we do not transfer items between characters on request

However, in light of the recent announcement, we’re happy to make an exception for the new rewards added to the Marketplace. The rewards can only be claimed once per account, and we recognize that with everything going on, it can be easy to miss this. 

If you accidentally claimed your rewards on the wrong character, click the button below and fill out the form, and we’ll help you out. 

If you claimed the reward on the correct character but opened a Box/Crate and claimed the wrong item from within, please report it using this page instead.

Please Note: 

  1. Since this is an exception from the norm, we will only assist like this once per account, so make sure you specify the correct character when submitting your request.

  2. The transfer will be done by deleting the claimed item and sending a new Crate/Box to the intended recipient. We will not be able to compensate for any growth materials used to enhance equipment that might end up lost because of this.