All rewards need to be earned within the time frame of the event and claimed before they expire.

Please Note:

  • Customer Support cannot restore rewards that expired or weren’t collected in time, for any reason.
  • Customer Support is not able to provide any rewards that were not earned. 

Should a confirmed issue make an award unobtainable, an announcement will be made, and exceptions will be considered.

I missed an event, but I really want that skin

After an event has ended, the associated skins and other unique rewards are no longer available.

However, many event rewards are added to Data Boxes or the Mileage Exchange at a later date.

Customer Support is not able to share information about when (or if) a certain reward will be obtainable again.

I have another question

If you have other questions about event rewards, like if a requirement is unclear, or anything else, you’re always welcome to get in touch, and one of our Game Masters will help clear things up for you.