There are currently 6 different modes that you can play.

• Practice Mode
- Players can try out or practice with a character such as creating dummies, setting character skills, learning loot distributions, and analyzing the map.

• Custom Game
- Players can generate a room code or enter a room code to join another player's custom game.

• vs AI
- Players can play against AI in either Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty.
- Players who are under level 20 can earn Experience and A-Coin in this mode.

• Ranked Match

- Raise rank tiers by earning Ranked Points (RP).
- Depending on the player's match results, they can either gain or lose Ranked Points (RP)

*Available upon reaching Account Lv. 30• Normal Match
- Can earn experience points and A-Coin (LP cannot be earned.) 

• Cobalt Protocol
- Play either Solo or in a team of up to four members.
- Can earn experience points and A-Coin 

- Available after Lv. 3

- Randomized character select and focus on combat